Gustavo 'El Zopilote' Pimentel - Disco Mambo - 1982
I got a request for a Gustavo Pimentel album some time ago, but the only one I have besides this one, is the album "Percusiones" (a great Mexican exotica album from the 50's), which was posted by the collector long time ago, and now the collector's site seems to have gone away....but I only have this album...(maybe I'll post Percusiones anyways later on).
Gustavo Pimentel was born in 1930, in Tabasco, and started playing piano at age 5; he was a very successful bandleader, leading his orchestra in a lot of Mexican TV shows, so he became a household name back in the 70's.
I don't have any info on this album, but it's from 1982, disco music was dying, and mambo was long gone, maybe he was trying to capitalize on the disco fever, maybe he was trying to "revive" mambo music, or who knows, but believe me this is not a disco music album per se (so if you're a "Disco Sucks" kind of person it's safe for you). Yes is a little bit influenced by that sound, so if you're interested in this weird mix, go ahead and give it a try!!.
The A Side consists of a 22 min. long mambo medley, played not the traditional way but instead played the disco way, you can even hear some wah-wah guitars and slap bass!
And Here's The Track List:
Side A:
01- Mambo Medley (Norma La De Guadalajara, Mambo En Sax, El Ruletero, Mambo A La Kenton, Mambo Japones, Mambo No. 5, Silvando Mambo, Mambo Del Politecnico, Lupita, Mambo Universitario, Mambo No. 8, El Momo, Que Rico Mambo)
Side B:
02- Andalucia
03- Manisero
04- Tabacoo
Please Enjoy!! and remember to play this record only on Stereophonic Equipment!
Gustavo Pimentel was born in 1930, in Tabasco, and started playing piano at age 5; he was a very successful bandleader, leading his orchestra in a lot of Mexican TV shows, so he became a household name back in the 70's.
I don't have any info on this album, but it's from 1982, disco music was dying, and mambo was long gone, maybe he was trying to capitalize on the disco fever, maybe he was trying to "revive" mambo music, or who knows, but believe me this is not a disco music album per se (so if you're a "Disco Sucks" kind of person it's safe for you). Yes is a little bit influenced by that sound, so if you're interested in this weird mix, go ahead and give it a try!!.
The A Side consists of a 22 min. long mambo medley, played not the traditional way but instead played the disco way, you can even hear some wah-wah guitars and slap bass!
And Here's The Track List:
Side A:
01- Mambo Medley (Norma La De Guadalajara, Mambo En Sax, El Ruletero, Mambo A La Kenton, Mambo Japones, Mambo No. 5, Silvando Mambo, Mambo Del Politecnico, Lupita, Mambo Universitario, Mambo No. 8, El Momo, Que Rico Mambo)
Side B:
02- Andalucia
03- Manisero
04- Tabacoo
Please Enjoy!! and remember to play this record only on Stereophonic Equipment!
just wanted to let you know the collector's site is very much alive. Don't know whether it has been updated for awhile though.
keep your chin up and regards ;-)
This is really cool! Much obliged
As usual, Sr. Mexican't. A great selection.
thank you very much!
GreyCat's purrsc
OMG all this is so cool but download links just doesn't seem to work anymore!!!
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